
October 6th, 2010

Writing at this moment in time is a bit dismal. Really, I'm just waiting to be told by two people that I'm a wretched little person, who deserves no friends because of how big a jerk I am. Really, I'm not. I don't ever tell person to choose one friend over another, I've just sort of, lost trust, faith, and confidence. Such things I'm ready to hear, no matter how incorrect they shall be, have left my newly wielded pen to spew nothing but depressing or betrayed poetry.

I Don't Deserve
I know what I said and to whom in which I did,
I know the selflessness you're going to tell me of-
she doesn't deserve this drama, this emotional roller coaster.
Not even she-who-is-seemingly-emotionless would say what I said.
It is cruel to make one choose between friends,
no matter how much you've been shaken.
So what if you're now questioning the loyalties of many?
What of it, paranoia of it happening again?
It doesn't matter how terrible they made you feel,
how much you may have cried, yelled and hurt.
She doesn't deserve you to do that to her,
no matter how much emotional pain she caused you.
But, I don't deserve the mental mess she caused either.


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